Institute of History of Azerbaijan. We have many genocides!

Well, when the news sites write all sorts of nonsense about the genocide of the Türkic peoples, it’s okay when some individuals work out oil-Aliev dollars. But when the Institute of History joins in, it becomes clear that the general madness in the country is beneficial to the top leadership.

Baku. 2 June. REPORT.AZ

At a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan held discussions related to the calculation of Azerbaijan’s losses in the result of genocides committed by Armenians.

This report was reported in the Public Relations Department of the Institute of History.

According to the director of the Institute of History, Academician Yagub Mahmudov, one of the important directions of the scientific research conducted by the Institute is the study of the history of all genocides committed by Armenians against our people:”Over the past years, the Institute has carried out valuable studies proving the genocides committed by Armenians against the Turkic and Muslim population and other peoples in Baku, Shemakha, Guba, Garabagh, Zangezur, Irevan, Nakhchivan, around Lake Urmia, Eastern Anatolia. In connection with this, numerous fundamental works, monographs and collections of documents were published”.

In this regard, the previous meetings of the Scientific Council discussed the relevant issues and approved a plan of specific events.

In conclusion, Y. Mahmudov said that for today the main goal is to serve the Motherland together.

False historians, probably will go even further! Not one genocide, but many genocides.

Yagub Makhmudov, doctor of historical sciences, professor, but bears such nonsense that it seems that all his titles were stupidly bought! Yes, I do understand that having a ruler like Aliyev you have to bend your back and be substituted, but for god sake, not like that! You will be ashamed of yourself for all the lies that you create and propagandize! You are suppose to be science man, not dirty politician.

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