Новая форма давления на политзаключенных

В Азербайджане выдвижение новых обвинений в отношении политзаключенных, срок ареста которых вот-вот завершится, и продление тюремного заключения уже превратилось в тенденцию, считают представители общественности. Особенно резонансным стал случай с находящимся под арестом молодым блогером Мехманом Гусейновым, но это далеко не единственный подобный случай. Мейдан ТВ вспоминает, скольким политзаключенным за последние годы были продлены сроки ареста на основе новых обвинений.

19 января в Баку запланирован митинг оппозиционных сил в знак поддержки блогера Мехмана Гусейнова, против которого были выдвинуты новые обвинения за пару месяцев до истечения срока заключения, и других политзаключенных. Митинг согласован с бакинской мэрией.

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Boomerang law. After all, life does not end tomorrow

Chingiz Sultansoy “So I remembered this pain”

The former deputy of the Milli Majlis, the former head of the Press Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Azerbaijan Republic, Eldar Sabiroglu, published his Facebook status on his son’s page. He told how his son is being tortured in custody. His son Rufat Safarov has been deprived of his freedom for the third year. At the end of 2015, the investigator of the Zardab district prosecutor’s office, R.Safarov, made a bold and sensational statement about corruption and lawlessness in law enforcement, then resigned and was soon arrested, of course. The authorities do not forgive such statements.

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Political émigré who returned home to visit critically ill father arrested on drug-related charges (updated)

Azad Hasanov, Musavat party member and political exile living in Lithuania, has been arrested during a short return to his home country and charged with drug trafficking.

According to his lawyer, Osman Kazimov, the Khatai District Court sentenced him to four months in detention on drug-related charges. Under Article 234.4.3 (illegal manufacturing, purchase, storage, transportation, transfer or selling of sale of drugs), Hasanov faces between five and twelve years in prison.

Read more “Political émigré who returned home to visit critically ill father arrested on drug-related charges (updated)”

Journalist Aytaj Ahmadova detained and physically pressured

What else you can expect from such government?

On 3 October, Azerbaijani journalist Aytaj Ahmadova was detained while filming a protest in Zabrat, a settlement close to Baku.

A group of citizens had been protesting against their desolate living conditions, demanding that the government renovated their unsafe homes which are in danger of collapsing.

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To punish or pardon?

The number of political prisoners in Azerbaijan remains approximately the same from year to year. The president regularly signs pardon decrees but the “vacancies” on bunk beds in prisons are quickly occupied by newly-arrived opponents of the political elite of Azerbaijan.

The following is a Meydan TV report about how the possibility of pardon is used to manipulate political prisoners and how the prisoners themselves have become bargaining chips in the Azerbaijani government’s foreign policy.

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Azerbaijan a year after the LGBT raids: has anything changed in Europe’s most homophobic country?

Azerbaijani society has never been tolerant toward sexual minorities, but no one expected the cruel and large-scale violence that occurred last year. At least a hundred people were humiliated, beaten and raped. People who were suspected of being gay were blackmailed and warned not to walk in the central streets of Baku. Meydan TV investigated the possible reasons for the police violence immediately after it happened last year and we now return to this topic to find out what has changed in Azerbaijan over the past year.

Read more “Azerbaijan a year after the LGBT raids: has anything changed in Europe’s most homophobic country?”