Azerbaijan’s uncontrolled desire to appropriate everything that belongs to its neighbors, especially Armenians, sometimes goes beyond logic and common sense. So, back in 1998, the father of all Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, apparently due to some unhealthy envy, established the “Azerbaijani Genocide Day”. Why exactly in this wording: not a “Day of MEMORY OF THE VICTIMS”, but a day of genocide. Not a memorable date, but a call.
Be that as it may, on March 31 of each year, Azerbaijanis “remember the victims of the Dashnak-Bolshevik armed formations”, when the latter “in March-April 1918. committed merciless reprisals against tens of thousands of peaceful Azerbaijanis. Of particular interest is the geography of the “merciless massacre” – Baku, Yerevan, Kars, Guba, Shemakha, Syunik, Artsakh, Nakhichevan …
Firstly, the concept of “Dashnak-Bolshevik armed formations” is a historical nonsense, which, nevertheless, is actively spreading in Azerbaijani “historiography”.
Secondly, geography is very curious. Okay, technically the Armenian side had the opportunity to “cut out the Azerbaijanis” in Yerevan, Kars, Syunik, Artsakh and Nakhichevan. These are the territories that (with the exception of Kars) were controlled by the Republic of Armenia. We will add Baku as a bonus, given the influence and number of Armenians in this city. But Guba and Shemakha? At that time in Shamakhi, the Armenian population was much inferior to the Turkic-speaking Muslims, and pogroms are usually staged by the majority against the minority. At that time, less than a thousand Armenians lived in Guba, which accounted for less than five percent of the population. But about the same – about six thousand each – were represented by Jews and Azerbaijanis. More precisely, not Azerbaijanis, but Turks (formerly Tatars). They began to be called Azerbaijanis from the second half of the 1930s. But this is third.
In general, it is difficult to relate to the “genocide of Azerbaijanis in 1918.” seriously. However, a frivolous attitude is fraught with the popularization of this disinformation, which in turn will complicate the fight against it. Reasoned opposition is the only, albeit very slow, but effective weapon against this kind of provocation. So, arm yourself, gentlemen, with arguments and patience, and… arm yourself, gentlemen!
According to Infoteka24